Best Twitter Wall for events
We have talked so many times about how Twitter walls and Social Media walls can boost the social activity and engagement at events. Today we’d like to show you how the technology behind the Twitter walls can let you adapt them to perfectly fit at your event. One event is a very complicated thing. You probably have tons of little things to do like taking care of speakers, the venue, the presents… It looks like it will never end.
So when they (or you) think about installing a Twitter wall at your event, the first thing that comes to your mind could be something like “Oh no please!!! Not another new thing”. So when we talk about Twitter walls we want to let clients know that this technology will, and must, adapt to your event. Not the other way around. Today we want to explain how this Tweet Binder Twitter walls work with examples.
CONNECTIONS 2017 #Connus17
Parks Associates hosted CONNECTIONS, an event about connected homes which is becoming one of the top events in this field. This event has a very intense Twitter activity. We have worked with them in all the recent editions and always we have been surprised by the high number of posts about it on Social Media. In this case, the client wanted a Tweet Wall that could show all the relevant information about the Twitter activity of the hashtag #Connus17 in one screenshot.
Of course it had to look not too messy or not too tight. It all had to fit in a specific screen placed at the entrance of the main hall. This way everyone could see it and check quickly all the activity.In the next picture you can see the result. The content was divided in three columns and they had their logo and background in the wall. Client happy so were we.
Marketing Strategy Forum Barcelona
The Marketing Strategy Forum is one event created by Deloitte Digital Spain that gathers the last innovations about Marketing and Technology. It is actually a very interesting event to follow on live streaming. We have worked with Deloitte Spain many times in the past. For this event they asked for a very unique type of Twitter Wall and, of course, we couldn’t say “no”. They had a huge modular screen showing all types of content: videos, keynotes, logos, webs, etc. And, they reserved one space for the Twitter wall of Tweet Binder. This Twitter wall had its first peculiarity on the fact that it needed to be exactly 1816px by 212px.
In the next picture you can see how it looked like:

Let’s say that the dimensions requirement was not too complicated. What it’s really complicated is when these dimensions start changing all the time. Well, we did it and the client was happy. However, the next request was more difficult and we had never done it before. They needed a system to launch a claim that, when activated, will stop the stream of tweets and will show only the claim until they decide. We installed a new button on the Twitter walls section to launch that message saying “Send your tweets and participate in #MSFBCN”. (In Spanish: “Envía tus tuits y participa en #MSFBCN”).
Client had full control of everything. They even asked more minor adjustments, but they were carried our fast.
#Adoptafest: Twitter wall for a good cause
We had a blast last Sunday with our friends from Pedigree Mexico and Lunave Digital. Pedrigree decided to organize #Adoptafest for a really good cause. In that case, the animals were the main characters as they collected dog food according to the number of tweets shared under the hashtag. The users who were there had to upload photographs of the traces of their puppies to Twitter and Instagram. The goal was to get 70 tons of food and it was accomplished!
The Twitter wall showed up the total amount of tweets (that correspond to the amount of food), the ranking of the most active and most popular users and the main tweets and images to engage with the audience. In addition, they were able to enjoy lectures, volunteer workshops, colloquiums focused on the importance of taking care of dogs… It was amazing!
Twitter walls for clients, not clients for Twitter walls
In Tweet Binder we try to sell Twitter wall for clients and we do it very well. However, once we sell one Twitter wall, we don’t expect them to change in order to adapt themselves to our technology. What we want is to facilitate their job, not create more work for them. We have many members of our staff who have been working in the events sector for years. They really appreciated when a provider made it easy for them. These two examples show how much we care about that and how much we want our clients events to succeed.
Social Walls are now widely in use so it is time to make the event unique and extraordinary. By using Tweet Binder’s technology, the Social Walls help to turn any audience into an essential part of the event.What is more, users share content even more during the outdoor events so it is the best way to engage with the attendees.
The content does not have always to be the same. You can choose between displaying Twitter, Instagram or both. The Twitter Wall can include general stats, rankings, tweets and pics and the Instagram hashtag wall presents pics and number of post. On the other hand, our Design Team works really hard to create the perfect experience and integrate the Social Wall into the event’s image perfectly. Here we want to summarize some of our latest Social Walls but as you already know, you can develop your own experience with us.

Javier is the founder and CEO at TweetBinder. With more than 10 years of experience in Twitter Analytics space, he is on the mission to build best-in-class Twitter marketing tools helping X community to thrive.