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Ticker Wall with Twitter content for Deloitte #msfbcn2016

In a world full of conferences and summits, it’s necessary to make the difference. A social wall gives the essential edge that will distinguish you from the rest. Showing tweets and stats on real-time will engage the audience and encourage attendees to continue sharing their tweets and opinions from the event. If you are displaying a live stream of the event or any presentation, you can always go for a ticker social wall. This type of tweet wall displays only text tweets. It comes very handily when you are also displaying content on the main screen.

#msfbcn2016 Social Wall for Deloitte

That’s what Dq Deloitte achieved thanks to the integration between live streaming and social media during the amazing #msfbcn2016. All the attendees interacted to the live action sharing tweets about the most important moments or quotes.

Ticker Social Wall for Deloite #msfbcn2016

Furthermore, the whole conversation moved to Twitter having amazing results. More tan 300 people tweeted about the event making #msfbcn2016 trending topic in Spain during the morning. Moreover, the hashtag achieved over 4 million impressions.

Why the Ticker Wall succeeded at #msfbcn2016?

These are a few reasons why the Deloitte Ticker wall was a success:

  • Personalization: The social Wall maintained the look & feel of the event. According to the screen size and disposition, the ticker Wall was perfectly integrated.
  • Real time: Latest tweets were shown on the wall within seconds of difference since being posted on Twitter. This way, attendees really felt they were part of the event and the conversation.
  • Moderation: As Deloitte’s team moderated all the content, they could approve all the related tweets avoiding the inappropriate ones.

If you want to include a Social Wall in your next event check our events page. Or, even better, give a try to Tweet Binder and let’s chat.