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When thinking about social media, several questions pop-up to our minds. Questions like: who is the most followed on Twitter? Who has tweeted the most about the Oscars? Which tweet has had the highest impact? Who has sent the most retweeted tweet of all times?
That is completely normal, we humans are curious by nature. Finding out the most retweeted tweets is also a part of that curiosity. Remember that “Egg” on Instagram that got the most likes? How ironic is it that an Egg got the most likes and beat Kylie Jenner? Very ironic. Imagine if it had happened on Twitter as well. Then ask yourself, which are actually the most retweeted tweets out there? Care to find out? This is what this post is about: discovering popular tweets. And for this topic of today, we’ll be talking about the most retweeted tweets that are out there, and find out just how worthy or unworthy they are of their numbers of retweets.
If you want to skip from reading this post and want to jump into action, click on the following button. You will be redirected to Tweet Binder’s site and you will just have to type #YourHashtag followed by min_retweets:XXX (xxx stands for whatever number you want to type).
Find the most retweeted tweet NOW
What is Twitter?
First things first. If you haven’t been much active on the Internet for the last ten years, then you probably don’t know about Twitter. This is a very highly-unlikely option, but we’re still taking it into consideration. So, what is twitter? Twitter is a social media network where people communicate with each other, post what they think, think what they post, share ideas, news, and so on.
What are tweets and retweets?
Twitter wouldn’t be a Twitter without a tweet. Tweets are the actual posts you post on Twitter, it’s a form of short message that you can get across on the platform, and that people can react to. Tweets are usually very short, they have a limited number of characters that you can not exceed. These tweets can be liked, can be retweeted, and can be replied to. Retweets are a way of repeating what other users have tweeted. So, instead of copying and pasting a tweet and indicating the author, with just a click you can replicate their tweets.
Why do people use Twitter?
The answer is simple: because they can. Why do people use Facebook, Instagram, and all of the other social media networks they can come across? Because they want and they can. Twitter is an amazing social media network that anyone can use, whether they’re regular people or businessmen.
Twitter is easy-to-use, innovative, and it’s free! All you have to do is sign-up using your email or whatever, and voilà, you’ve got a Twitter account that you can now share things on. People also use Twitter because you can follow anyone: artists, singers, newspapers, magazines… And they also use it because their friends use it and they want to communicate with them on it.
Having a Twitter account means that you’re up-to-date with social media. It will help you to stay aware of things that are trending, and even communicate with new people that may come in handy later. So, after you sign-up, make sure to start following your friends, celebrities, magazine, and all that, this way you can make sure that your twitter feed will be always full. An empty Twitter feed is a boring one, and if you ever come across someone you don’t like or don’t want to appear on your feed, then you can simply unfollow them.
It’s easy, and it’s free.
How a tweet becomes the most retweeted tweet?
Getting retweets on Twitter is awesome and it is also very fun. But if you’re a business-man, then it’s vital for your business. Increasing your reach and impressions is every businessman goal on Twitter. Getting more retweets, means more impressions and reach, which means more exposure to your business and eventually more sales. It’s a simple equation, and that is why most companies try to climb on every Twitter trend, so they can get a piece of the pie too.
So, how to get more retweets? Here are our simple pieces of advice on how to do it:
- Tweet between 10 and 11 pm, that when people are most active.
- Use hashtags, this one is pretty obvious but it does the job very well.
- Tweet on Sundays, people are free on Sundays, so, that means more Twitter time.
- Use pictures, they are amazingly hooking, and they’ll get the job done.
- Don’t use the shortcut and use “RT”, go big and use “Retweet” .
- Use exclamation marks, they usually get people’s attention better.
- Use uppercase, WOULD YOU PAY ATTENTION TO THIS or to this? You got your answer.
Twitter is genuinely easy to use, if you implement these tricks then you will be able to get more retweets, slowly but surely.
Related reading – how to find the most liked tweet.
How To Find The Most Retweeted Tweet?
This is a very simple process. In order to see the most popular tweets, we need to use the Twitter advanced search commands. These are very useful and we have spoken several times about them. The advanced search can be easily used in Tweet Binder and it helps us to narrow down our reports.
To find the most retweeted tweet we need to use the following command “min_retweets:XXX” where XXX has to be a number. So, for example, imagine that we want to find the most popular tweet about Game of Thrones. We would need to type #GOT min_retweets:20000. This will give us tweets that have at least 20,000 retweets.

Most retweeted tweets of all times
The person that has, as of now, the highest number of retweets is actually a Japanese billionaire. His name is Yusaku Maezawa and he has made the internet go crazy because of one single tweet. His company celebrated 80 billion euros and he decided to celebrate this by giving 100 people 8000€ each. To win this prize, you had to follow him and retweet that tweet, and he would’ve chosen the winners randomly and handed them their prize. Is it cheating? Maybe… But it has got the job done because he’s got the most retweeted tweet right now.
ZOZOTOWN新春セールが史上最速で取扱高100億円を先ほど突破!!日頃の感謝を込め、僕個人から100名様に100万円【総額1億円のお年玉】を現金でプレゼントします。応募方法は、僕をフォローいただいた上、このツイートをRTするだけ。受付は1/7まで。当選者には僕から直接DMします! #月に行くならお年玉
— 前澤友作@MZDAO (@yousuck2020) January 5, 2019
We all remember that American youngster who wanted to get a year of free nuggets. He tweeted Wendy’s asking how many RTs he should get to gain a year of free nuggets. The bet was on the table, Wendy’s said 18 million. Well, can you believe that he number one when it comes to how many retweets he got? As of now, this boy has got 3.5 M retweets, 18M is very far, but it’s still possible. Maybe one day he’ll reach his dream of having a year of free nuggets, we’ll have to wait to be sure.
— Carter Wilkerson (@carterjwm) April 6, 2017
Number three on this list is none other than Ellen DeGeneres herself. Ellen tweeted in 2014 a selfie she has taken with a number of actors in the Oscars of 2014 under the description of: “If only Bradley’s arm was longer. Best photo ever. #oscars”. The tweet, which was posted on the 3d of March of 2014, turned the internet crazy with more than 3.2M retweets.
If only Bradley's arm was longer. Best photo ever. #oscars
— Ellen DeGeneres (@EllenDeGeneres) March 3, 2014
Are these tweets worthy of their number of retweets? For sure! They have gotten the success they do now because they deserve it. The Japanese billionaire made 100 happy, the nugget boy is waiting for his dream to come true, and Ellen shared a great selfie, so, what’s not to like?
Find the most retweeted tweet with Tweet Binder
Tweet Binder is an online hashtag tracking tool that allows any user to analyze anything on Twitter. With Tweet Binder’s paid reports, a client can get Twitter analytics without any date limitation. Meaning that it can analyze back to 2009. That’s right, you can analyze any tweet you like with the possibility to go back to even 2009.
But Tweet Binder is still a freemium platform with FREE features as well. Any user can log in with their Twitter account and run a free report of up to 500 tweets from the last 7 days. So, if you can’t pay for our in-depth report, then you can simply get one for free that will only analyze the tweets from up to 7 days ago.
All you have to do is sign-up to TweetBinder using your Twitter account, insert the word or hashtag you want to analyze, and you’ll be able to get a full report on how many retweets, replies, and contributors the hashtag/Word has gotten. So, if we were to get the most popular hashtag on #HerPower2019 we would need to type #HerPower2019 min_retweets:500 to get the tweets above 500 retweets.
You also get access to a graph that shows you the activity of the hashtag in that timeframe. You’ll get to see how many retweets, original retweets, replies, and contributors took part within that time range. This way you’ll know if the hashtag or word has any potential or if it’s a dead one that doesn’t have any activity. Furthermore, you get a list of the most active contributors, retweeters, users with the highest impact and much more. You can get a full idea of how your competitors got those retweets and how you can implement the same strategy.
The detailed paid-version of the report is far more detailed than the free one, and it gives you some real insights into how the activity of the tweet/hashtag has developed in the course of even years. If you want to invest in your twitter strategy and make it successful, then invest in a Tweet Binder Twitter report.

Javier is the founder and CEO at TweetBinder. With more than 10 years of experience in Twitter Analytics space, he is on the mission to build best-in-class Twitter marketing tools helping X community to thrive.