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This year is coming to an end. Therefore, it is the perfect moment to do a year’s review. Maybe you have kept track of all your campaigns and tweets. But maybe you are wondering how to see tweets from last year. Thankfully, our Twitter analytics platform has the answer to that question.
See tweets from last year
We have written several posts about how to see old tweets. Tweet Binder has a wide product catalogue that includes the one-year Twitter report, among other. This report analyzes tweets from the past 365 days. So, if you are wondering how to see tweets from last year, this is your report.

How to generate a one year Twitter report
To generate a report with tweets from last year you need to purchase a single report or to have an active subscription at Tweet Binder. Once you have one of those you just need to enter the hashtag, cashtag, term or account that you need to track. Let’s see it with an example.
How to see tweets from last year
First, we have to go to the form where we need to enter the hashtag. We will use the term #TwitterAnalytics. You can click here to analyze tweets from last year.

Once we have entered the hashtag, term, cashtag or account that we want to track, we have to select the dates and language. Dates have to be within the past 365 days. If you need to analyze more than that, you need to purchase a Twitter historical report. Having set the term, the dates and the language; we just need to click on “create report”. Depending on the amount of tweets, these reports can take up to one hour to be generated.
Analyze tweets and analyze Twitter users
With the Twitter reports Tweet Binder offers, anything inside a tweet can be analyzed. However, hashtags, terms, keywords or cashtags are not the only thing that can be analyzed with our Twitter tracking tool. Once you have seen how your account or campaigns have evolved in the last year, it is time to prepare for next year.

With the Twitter follower tracker you can see how your account evolves in real time. This system tracks metrics such as followers growth, mentions or lives and retweets sent and received. So a good way to start this new year could be by setting a tracker for your company and other trackers for your competitors. To set up trackers you need an active Twitter plan. Also, if you have any additional questions feel free to contact our team at any time.

Javier is the founder and CEO at TweetBinder. With more than 10 years of experience in Twitter Analytics space, he is on the mission to build best-in-class Twitter marketing tools helping X community to thrive.