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What is Instagram
Of all the social media networks currently out there, Instagram is one of the fastest-growing ones. When you take a look at how much space it takes up in many people’s lives now, it’s hard to believe that it only launched in 2010. For some people, not a day goes by without them logging into the app once or twice (or ten times) a day. In fact, every month, a billion people are logged as having used it! Knowing this, it’s no wonder that many brands and campaigns use this social media network to promote their products and services. Just look at your personal Instagram feed. There’s an ad every five posts or so, and they’re so very well targeted. And that is when Instagram analytics for Instagram hashtag come in handy.
It’s hard to imagine what the world was ever like before social media entered into all of our lives. It seems to have happened so slowly over time, but then all of a sudden everyone and their mother (literally) was on one platform or another. It has replaced many of the old means of communication, and it seems that we speak to each other through posts and messenger apps more than we do face to face in real life. As time went on, the platforms kept growing, and pretty soon businesses and wannabe famous people learned how to use social media as a marketing tool, because of course this is where audiences have migrated to. Now it’s just a matter of learning how to market to that audience in a smart way and how to keep track of it all.
To sum up, it is safe to say that Instagram is one of the most used social networks nowadays. There is no brand who is not building a campaign or marketing action without counting on Instagram. That is the reason why every brand should have an Instagram analytics tool as top of mind. Every Instagram hashtag needs to be track in order to make decisions.

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Instagram tracker app – Track hashtags and followers
Instagram hashtags
Nowadays everyone knows what a hashtag is. Just in case, a hashtag is the word or combination of words that are typed after the # symbol. Every Instagram post is filled with tons of hashtags in their captions. Hashtags are a perfect way of increasing engagement. This is because they are a way of grouping people by what they like. But brands need to be wise, meaning that they can not use hashtags without having done a previous analysis of it. Also, it is important to keep in mind that hashtag can be very long nor very short. The world of Instagram hashtag is really deep and it requires a lot of analysis.
How to use hashtags on Instagram
The first step to increase the Instagram reach is to choose the correct hashtag for your campaign. You can either choose one that already exists or a new one. A unique hashtag for your brand or for the kind of content you’re choosing to post will give you the opportunity of creating a community among it (and of course you can and should use both whenever it is relevant, as long as you don’t overload on the hashtags, which is a big no-no).
A great way to make sure your hashtag is truly unique is to do an Instagram hashtag search. You can type your chosen hashtag into the Instagram search or use third-party hashtag tracking tools such as the one from Tweet Binder, which can provide you with a complete report on your hashtag of choice. See, we told you how important Instagram analytics were.
A hashtag that has not been used is easy to be found on Instagram’s website. However, to see the Instagram impressions of a hashtag that has already been use, the best thing is to use a Instagram analytics tool. With a Tweet Binder Instagram hashtag report you can know exactly who has shared content with that hashtag. And, most important, you can see since when it has not been used.
Maybe someone else is already using the hashtag you’ve created. If that happens, go back to the drawing board until you find one that isn’t used by anyone else. You don’t need to stick to just one, either, but do make sure that when you’re posting to not use more than 6-7 at time, whether they are yours or someone else’s.
If you ever notice that a particular hashtag is trending on Instagram and it is related to your brand or a piece of content you’re looking to post, you may also use that one alongside the ones you have generated on your own. The only thing you have to bare in mind there is that, due to the fact that a trending Instagram hashtag is already a popular one, then many other Instagram users will be using it. The “danger” there is that their content may not be entirely related to yours and may send a negative message by association. Not to mention that your post might get lost in all the noise. Do your research and weigh the pros and cons each time you post something new as every piece of content is different. Sometimes it’s ok to jump on the bandwagon and sometimes it’s ok to sit back and watch it pass by. No one wants to go viral for the wrong reasons.
Instagram impressions Vs Instagram reach
Instagram analytics have some metrics in common with Twitter analytics but they differ in some concepts. Ones that is common for both Social Networks are the impact and the reach. Measuring Instagram hashtags performance is as easy as looking at the impressions and reach. Impressions are how many times the content was displayed, whether or not it was seen. Reach, on the other hand, has to do with how many people have actually seen your content/hashtag.
Either one is a good metric, but obviously you’d want as many people to interact and see your post, especially if it includes a call to action.
If one hashtag is doing particularly well, you can analyze why that may be and then work towards using similar ones in the future (or the same one even if it’s relevant for more than one kind of post).
Instagram analytics
If you’re using the Instagram app to promote yourself or your business, then Instagram analytics should definitely be a key part of your marketing strategy, hands down. If you’re using the Instagram app to promote yourself, your B2B e-commerce blog, or your business, then Instagram analytics should definitely be a key part of your marketing strategy, hands down. A good Instagram analytics tool helps you and your fellow marketers around the world to gain valuable insights into what works, what doesn’t and what could be the next step to increase a brand’s reach and get more Story views.
It is easy to keep track of your Instagram account’s performance with these two types of Instagram analytics tools:
- General account: Built into the Instagram app specifically for business accounts. It is an analytics tool that helps you to track your follower growth, as well as all the likes and comments your posts receive.
- Hashtag tracking tool: Available through third parties, these Instagram analytics tools allow you to take a deeper look into your hashtags so you can thoroughly analyze the performance of them on Instagram. With Tweet Binder this can be done by purchasing an Instagram hashtag report.
While knowing your Instagram stats for followers, likes, and comments is great, knowing how your hashtags perform on Instagram is a great way of getting to know your audience better. After all, they’re the part of your marketing copy that will be more likely to be found by a potential new follower or even a client if you are selling something or offering a service. To compare to traditional advertising, hashtags are sort of like a slogan that would be easily be recognized as being part of your brand. Remember “Got Milk?” and “Think Different”? Your hashtag is like that. Make sure it is catchy as well. In social media (as in life sometimes it seems) cleverness will get you far.
Utilizing a dedicated server for Instagram analytics can significantly enhance the processing speed and reliability of data collection, ensuring accurate insights into hashtag performance and audience engagement.
Instagram Hashtag Tracking
Just as it is for analyzing Twitter hashtags, Instagram hashtag tracking is an important part of today’s social media marketing.
Millions, if not billions, of pictures, videos, and stories are shared daily just on this one platform—which is mind-boggling. Instagram is living its best life at the moment. It is one of the most used social media platforms, and people log onto it multiple times a day to scroll through the feeds. With the not-so-recent introduction of stories, tapping through each of them has become a routine for many.
Businesses and marketers have tapped into this trend, which is why they have begun investing money into content marketing for the Instagram platform, and they are keen on generating content focused to succeed on it.
For this reason, while content is important, the Instagram hashtags you use are just as crucial. As was aforementioned, they need to be relevant and well-placed. Social media campaigns and posts should always include a few hashtags to help your brand reach as many people as possible. Only the most well-known brands can “get away” with not using hashtags and still have enormous reach, but you’ll see even they drop their own hashtags from time to time, particularly when launching a new product or promoting special events. And you can bet they also take care to be very thorough and analytical when it comes to Instagram hashtag tracking.
Built-in Instagram Analytics
Every business account on Instagram has a built-in view of their Instagram statistics, which means they can easily track all the data they need. If you are building a brand, the best thing you can do to promote it is to create a business account on Instagram rather than the standard one that is provided to every Instagram user. Then you can use the right tools to track your online activity.
Instagram analytics tools can provide complete Instagram insights not only for your account but also for all of the Instagram hashtags you may be using.
These Instagram analytics tools work by taking into account the number of times a hashtag you have created has been used in a post on the Instagram platform. Not only that, but you will also be able to see exactly which accounts made posts that include your hashtag. Are they accounts you’d like to collaborate with or that perhaps have more followers than you? Then this could be a chance to set up a mutually beneficial collaboration.
Of course, this assumes that you already know how to leverage Instagram’s built-in analytics; and while these tools are quite easy to understand, it may be necessary to seek the help of an experienced social media analyst — you could hire a freelancer or consultant, for example, or even take advantage of remote technology to employ talent globally.
How to get an Instagram analytics report
Instagram tracking tools allow you to analyze hashtags and get complete insights on how they’re performing over time. What’s more, you can run and export a report on the data so that you can use it for further analysis if you so wish. This information is very valuable to make decisions in the future. The more information and data you have, the more prepare you will be to make decisions.
The Tweet Binder Instagram analytics reports include a wide range of stats on them. Some stats are related with the hashtag itself and the published content and others are related with the users who have shared that content. These are some of those stats:
- Total number of posts
- Classification of posts in videos and photos
- Total contributors
- Number of likes
- Total number of comments
- Potential Instagram impressions
- Potential Instagram reach
- User’s influence: Average number of followers per contributor
- User’s engagement: Average number of posts per contributor
- Economic value stats
- Most active users
- Most popular users
- Highest impact users
- Users who have received the highest number of likes or comments
- Users who have posted the highest number of photos or videos
- Posts ranked by likes, comments and economic value
- Top hashtags
- Most mentioned users
As was aforementioned, all these data can be exported to an Excel file in case you ever need to present the Instagram statistics to someone else or if you just want to have it in that format. The report is also handy if you visualize data better in table form, plus you can create graphs and charts that map the progress over time. This comes in really handy as you don’t need Internet connection to see the Excel report. This way, you can always check the Instagram analytics.
Top Instagram Analytics Insights
What good would doing anything be if you can’t see the result? This is especially true when it comes to social media. For all you know, you could be yelling into a bottomless void where no one and nothing can hear what you have to say. This is is why it’s great to have a comprehensive Instagram analytics tool so you see who, if anyone, is even seeing what it is you’re putting out there. In the previous section, we mentioned all the Instagram stats a user can get from a Tweet Binder Instagram hashtag report. But now we are going to explain the most relevant ones.
- Total number of posts: It is always important to now the global quantity
- Instagram impressions: This metric stands for the potential number of times someone could have seen the post. So, the higher the impressions are the more exposure your campaign has had
- Instagram reach: It is important to now how many people could have seen your campaign
- Most active users: Know who is more engage with your campaign
- Most popular users: Detect the influencers who have posted about your campaign
- Media rankings: Discover the posts that have had the highest engagement.
If you are on a hurry, these are the most relevant Instagram analytics to have in mind. By keeping track of these you will have enough information to make decisions and run smarter campaigns.
Instagram influencer marketing
A great way to get your brand and hashtag out there is to build strong relationships with influencers in your industry. Who and what are Instagram influencers? Well, they’re people who have built a strong and loyal following community on Instagram. Oftentimes, their followers tend to trust their opinions and will eagerly devour any content they post. Nowadays, it seems that social media is breeding a whole new kind of celebrity, and they carry out a lot of clout. With your hashtag in the hands of a just-right influencer, you can get your word (and your Instagram hashtag) in front of many more people. The ultimate dream for anyone serious about social media is to go viral, at least for a little while. With influencers, that could even be possible.
Influencers are a key part of Instagram analytics. If you’re able to collaborate with one, then you can expand your reach far beyond your network. If you know more than one with whom you can work with, then all the better. So, for instance, if you’re running a campaign and you have a few influencers onboard to help you spread the word, you will be able to access the stats and publications they have shared with the campaign’s hashtag. You can then gauge how far your hashtag has gone reach-wise.
If you’re skeptical about the power of influencers, you can take it a step further with some A/B testing. Create two identical posts. For one, you will post it with your hashtag, and for the other you will have an influencer also use it. Run hashtag tracking on both posts and measure how well the hashtag is doing. It’s safe to say you won’t be disappointed with what your influencer collaborators can do to your reach.
Analytics on Instagram
As with anything else, the more you do something, the better you get at it. With Instagram analytics tools, you will become a master in knowing what your audience loves and how to keep growing that audience. Always stay on top of your game. Make sure to use Instagram hashtag search to be aware of what’s happening in the world of hashtags. Tweak your old ones if needed and work on developing new ones for your brand as much as you can, and always be smart about how many you use. Use your tools wisely, and you’ll be an Instagram success story in no time.