How to analyze the speakers at events
Tweet Binder is not just about analyzing Twitter and Instagram statistics. This Social Media tracking tool has also developed a very powerful feature for events and conferences. Our Twitter and Instagram walls have proven that displaying Social Media content at any event increases its exposure and encourages participation. But, as important as choosing the right venue for your event is choosing the right board of speakers.
One feature that sets Tweet Binder apart from its competitors is its ability to create binders and classify the information. Inside every Twitter report, our tracking tool allows the user to create as many binders as needed. As we are talking about events, the organizer should create a binder per speaker.

A binder for each speaker
Binders are essential to analyze the speakers at an event. For example, let’s suppose that Jack Dorsey is talking at the event; the binder will have the following filters: Jack Dorsey, Dorsey, Dorsei, Jac Dorsei. By doing this, all the tweets sent using the hashtag tracked and that mention any of those combinations of Jack Dorsey name will go inside the binder. It is important to notice that this does not affect the general stats of the report.
After having created a binder for each speaker and when the event is finished, the organizer will not only have all the stats regarding the general hashtag but also stats for each and every one of the talkers that participated in the event. The tweets that match none of the filters go to a category named “no binder”.
Real-time update – Analyze the speakers at your event
It is important to point out that this feature also works with our real-time reports. This way, each time a user posts a tweet using the term that is being tracked, it will go inside the report. But, once you have created the binders, each time a user tweets with the term and also mentions the speaker, the tweets will go inside the report and will be classified in its corresponding binder.
Post-event analysis
Analyzing all this info is easier if you have it classified since the beginning. This classification of the tweets is not only available in our online reports but also in its excel exportation. Each tweet is exported next to the name of the binder it belongs to. As it is an excel document, the data can be sorted by any criteria you need to. Filters can also be applied here so tweets from a particular binder can be seen at once. Analyzing speakers at events has never been so easy!
Displaying binder details
Social Media walls are a must at any event nowadays. However, their designs do not have always to be the same. The organizer can choose between displaying Twitter and Instagram stats in a big screen or doing something different. The binder feature allows users to display incredible battles between the speakers. They don’t even have to be hashtag battles; you can simply display rankings showing which speaker is receiving more tweets and mentions.
As you can see, making the most out of your event analytics is very simple and easy. Please, feel free to contact us any time you need so we can start working together at your event.

Javier is the founder and CEO at TweetBinder. With more than 10 years of experience in Twitter Analytics space, he is on the mission to build best-in-class Twitter marketing tools helping X community to thrive.