Twitter is a popular social media platform that allows users to post short messages, known as tweets, to express their opinions, share information, or engage with others. As a user, analyzing original tweets on Twitter can provide valuable insights into current trends, public sentiment, and user behavior. In this article, we will explore how to analyze original tweets on Twitter. Your Twitter analytics will never be the same.
Tweets can be divided into original tweets and retweets. Original tweets are replies, links, images and text tweets. These are the messages that give sense to Twitter. That’s why sometimes it is important to analyze only those tweets that add value to the hashtags instead of analyzing what other users are repeating, which are retweets.
Define Your Objective
Before you start analyzing tweets, you need to define your objective. What do you want to achieve from analyzing the tweets? Are you trying to identify popular topics, understand public opinion, or gauge user sentiment towards a particular topic? Having a clear objective will help you focus your analysis and ensure that you extract relevant insights.
Collect Original tweets
Once you have defined your objective, the next step is to collect the relevant tweets. There are several ways to collect tweets on Twitter. You can use the platform’s built-in search function, which allows you to search for specific keywords or hashtags. You can also use third-party tools, such as Tweet Binder, to collect and analyze tweets.
Tweet Binder allows you to generate a report just for original content with specific metrics. You just need to add -RT at the end of the query to take out the retweets. For example, try typing Oscars -RT
This Twitter advanced search command can also be applied from the report form. You only need to add RT in the MUST NOT contain field. This will be transformed in -RT by the system.
Clean the Data
Raw Twitter data can be messy and contain noise, irrelevant tweets, or spam. Therefore, before you start analyzing the tweets, you need to clean the data. This involves removing irrelevant tweets or users that do not relate to your objective.

Analyze the original tweets
Once you have collected and cleaned the data, you can start analyzing the tweets. There are several ways to analyze tweets on Twitter. Here are a few examples:
- Content Analysis: This involves analyzing the text of the tweets to identify the most common words or phrases used. The binders feature included in every Tweet Binder report allows users to classify the tweets in the report. This means that tweets can be automatically grouped by specific terms or mentions.
- Sentiment Analysis: This involves analyzing the sentiment or emotion expressed in the tweets. Tweet Binder provides a Twitter sentiment analysis that allow you to see how positive or negative the buzz around your hashtag has been.
- Network Analysis: This involves analyzing the relationships between Twitter users based on their interactions or mentions. Our Twitter reports include a complete list with all the users that have participated in the analysis.
Interpret the Results
Once you have analyzed the tweets, you need to interpret the results. This involves identifying patterns, trends, or insights that are relevant to your objective. You can use the charts and graphs included in the Tweet Binder reports to present your findings.

Draw Conclusions
Finally, based on your analysis and interpretation of the data, you need to draw conclusions. What do the results tell you about the topic you are analyzing? Are there any implications or recommendations that you can make based on your findings?
In conclusion, analyzing original tweets on Twitter can provide valuable insights into current trends, public sentiment, and user behavior. To analyze tweets effectively, you need to define your objective, collect and clean the data, analyze the data using relevant methods, interpret the results, and draw conclusions. By following these steps, you can gain a deeper understanding of Twitter conversations and make informed decisions based on your findings.
As you can see, with Tweet Binder you can analyze original tweets very easily and quickly. By adding -RT at the end of any query you can take out the retweets and look only at orignal tweets. Try it now and contact us if you have any questions.

Javier is the founder and CEO at TweetBinder. With more than 10 years of experience in Twitter Analytics space, he is on the mission to build best-in-class Twitter marketing tools helping X community to thrive.