Twitter analytics and Instagram analytics: We can go further
Nowadays, we are used to seeing figures and data constantly but we do not always know how to interpret them. And, much less, how to take advantage of those indicators. It doesn’t matter if we are experts in Twitter analytics or if we use Instagram as a regular user. We will see examples of how to make sense of what we analyze. Tweet Binder offers access to Twitter analytics and Instagram data so it is time to get the most of them. Beyond knowing the impact and scope of our report, we can go further. Here you will find several examples: What we can do with social media data?
Comparing our stats with those of the competitors
It is true that every company, no matter its size, has always in mind its competitors. There are many variables that we will have to compare and consider if we talk about the analysis of our competitors. Firstly, we can measure Twitter and Instagram analytics. We can create a board and include aspects such as: type of tweets you share (they may be original always), level of interaction with your community or frequency with which you publish content. We can even assess which hashtags are associated with the campaign or which filters are used to upload the content. If this board is updated periodically, we will be able to draw conclusions depending on the mentions we collected. Even better, we can find out what we can do to differentiate ourselves and improve.
Be innovative and amaze the users
If we have all our data broken down and controlled, we must go further. We have to check out how the activity of our campaign evolves or which users share more publications thanks to the Twitter analytics. We have access to numerous data, a tweet is not only 140 characters. In fact, a tweet allows us to be creative and innovate with each publication that is shared. The ideas that can be developed with data, both in Twitter and Instagram, are endless. Our customers have always bet on surprising their followers or attendees to their events with custom projects. The results have always been a huge success. Actions that are remembered, campaigns with high activity and engagement and surprised assistants. From hashtags battles to bookmarks. Everything is possible if we talk about Twitter and Instagram custom data.
Personalizing is a must!
We can highlight some of our social data. Putting in value the figures we are interested in and making them attractive is possible. Sometimes we are overwhelmed because of the amount of information but it is possible to change it. We will be able to give value to what we have analyzed by customizing the appearance of the reports or by creating Infographics reports. Moreover, we will be able to surprise our clients by showing the results of our campaign or event in an attractive way.
Ranking of users at TNW Event in NYCWe can not forget that having access to data does not mean that we know how to make sense of them. The Twitter analytics and Instagram data are complex and we have to learn how to interpret the data. Tweet Binder adds a small explanation of what it means in each parameter included . Besides, we are always available and willing to hear new ideas. And, of course, to solve any doubt. Data are part of our daily life, it is up to us to take advantage of them.
Javier is the founder and CEO at TweetBinder. With more than 10 years of experience in Twitter Analytics space, he is on the mission to build best-in-class Twitter marketing tools helping X community to thrive.